At KGM International…

We Believe in the Power of Small Local Businesses

While data drives attention to large business as economic drivers, KGM believes small business is essential to a healthy and resilient community economy.

  • According to the Small Business Administration, the answer varies by industry, but a small business is one that has at least 250 but fewer than 1,500 employees and a maximum of $38.5 million in average annual receipts. Using 500 employees and below as the benchmark, these small businesses make up 99.9% of all businesses in America.

Photo of man making coffee
Photo of mans torso measuring a shipping box
Photo of a shop containing handmade goods
3D pie chart of number of employees that make up small businesses in Oregon

How Small Businesses Impact Oregon’s Workforce:

  • 96% have 1-49 employees.

  • 61% have 1-4 employees.

  • 6% have 20-49 employees.

A Closer Look at How Small Businesses Pave the Way in Oregon:

  • Only 3.9% of businesses in Oregon have more than 50 employees. Of that 3.9%, 2% of businesses have between 50-99 employees with only 0.3% of them having more than 500 employees.

  • There are only 10 businesses in Oregon with more than 1,200 employees.

  • 2 companies qualify as Fortune 500 companies in Oregon.

With a few exceptions,

Oregon is a small business state…

…and keeping small businesses viable and resilient is vital to our communities.

How do we support small businesses in our communities?

  • Provide top-level services to small business owners.

  • Purchase locally grown and manufactured goods.

  • Shop locally owned businesses.

  • Engage services of locally owned businesses.

  • Seek small businesses as clients and customers.

  • Engage with the entrepreneur sector.

Meet our founders who believe in the power of small.

Marvin Révoal

Darby Giannone, Ph.D.