At KGM International…
We Believe in the Power of Small Local Businesses
While data drives attention to large business as economic drivers, KGM believes small business is essential to a healthy and resilient community economy.
According to the Small Business Administration, the answer varies by industry, but a small business is one that has at least 250 but fewer than 1,500 employees and a maximum of $38.5 million in average annual receipts. Using 500 employees and below as the benchmark, these small businesses make up 99.9% of all businesses in America.
How Small Businesses Impact Oregon’s Workforce:
96% have 1-49 employees.
61% have 1-4 employees.
6% have 20-49 employees.
A Closer Look at How Small Businesses Pave the Way in Oregon:
Only 3.9% of businesses in Oregon have more than 50 employees. Of that 3.9%, 2% of businesses have between 50-99 employees with only 0.3% of them having more than 500 employees.
There are only 10 businesses in Oregon with more than 1,200 employees.
2 companies qualify as Fortune 500 companies in Oregon.
With a few exceptions,
Oregon is a small business state…
…and keeping small businesses viable and resilient is vital to our communities.
How do we support small businesses in our communities?
Provide top-level services to small business owners.
Purchase locally grown and manufactured goods.
Shop locally owned businesses.
Engage services of locally owned businesses.
Seek small businesses as clients and customers.
Engage with the entrepreneur sector.